Gita interacting with the women shramiks at the Lime Restoration Upskilling Workshop in Lucknow
Construction workers interacting at the Lime Restoration Upskilling Workshop in Lucknow
Facilitator demonstrating Lime Plasterwork at Upskilling Workshop in Lucknow
A visitor actively engaging in a hands-on activity in the exhibition
A visitor actively engaging in a hands-on activity in the exhibition
Mrs.Sunita Devi, a Rani Mistry giving a talk in Sense & Sensibility 14.0
Prof Amogh Gothoskar, from her-mony, conducting the Financial Literacy Workshop in Mumbai
Participants and Hosts of the Empowerment Session in Lucknow, Representatives from Faculty of Architecture and Planning, AKTU Lucknow, and the Lucknow Architects Association
All participants from the first ever Empowerment Session, in Mumbai