Arcause is a platform for acknowledging, enlisting and actualising Social Responsibilities of Architects, Designers, Engineers and others associated with the Construction field (ACED Fraternity). Arcause (Our Cause) is positioned to be flexibly interpreted as addressing the cause of the ACED fraternity and also the fraternity supporting a cause. Arcause aims at nurturing sensitivities and actualizing the role of initiatives from ACED professionals and students in contributing to societal well-being.
Design and Architecture are largely unknown as professions in India. Also, there isn’t enough awareness on the importance of a responsible designed environment. Architects and Designers are vital to the cause of designing a responsible interface. Hence, it becomes essential for architects, designers and organisations that foster the community, to go out to the larger community in order to reinforce this awareness. It is in this same context that the community needs to be a lot more visible in the realm of social and community good, and through their actions showcasing the importance of their technical expertise. While this would serve the cause of the ACED fraternity, it would more importantly also serve the agenda of harnessing collaborative efforts for larger social impact, through education, awareness, interventions, solutions, public participation in the projects and many other activities. Hence Arcause!
And you shall see
And you shall hear
And you shall smell
And you shall feel
And you shall do